Sunday, February 12, 2012

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine not loading with a 0xc000007b error

Purchased this game on Steam recently and found the thing not to load.

When running from Steam, Steam brings up the "Preparing to launch ..." window then disappears, and nothing happens.

When loading directly from the exe, it would only come up with the error:

"Attemping to run the SpaceMarine.exe brings the following error;
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK the close the application."

Well following Steams utterly fucking shit support to no resolution, and the forums not even existing with this error, I decided to find out why the fuck it wouldn't load.


Copy the d3dx9_37.dll from the "steam\steamapps\common\warhammer 40,000 space marine\redist\directx\" cabinet to the space marine root "steam\steamapps\common\warhammer 40,000 space marine" folder.

Space Marine now loads flawlessly.

Had already tried the same file from Windows\system32 & Windows\SysWOW64 into the Space Marine folder but it did not resolve it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lily Allen is a fucking moron

Stupid bitch best shut the fuck up. "Lord" Mandelson too.

I'll just encrypt my traffic you fucktards!

Fuck you!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So, Google Street Maps hit the UK. And here's some funny bits...

And people are protesting invasion of privacy? How? Google (or someone) drove a fucking vehicle with camera's on taking pictures, that any one could have done. Just because it's on such a globally known (and used) site, people complain. Fucktards. Hey if it caught me doing something I shouldn't, my bad, I shouldn't have been doing it in a public place.

Fuck off complaining you tit ends. It's not your government that's done it so stfu.

Friday, February 27, 2009

QuakeLive beta

Well the beta is now open and the queueing has been nothing short of annoying. But hey, here's a refund, stfu moaning and fuck off!

For the people who don't want to queue, download the plugin/files, then restart their browser and have to queue again, here's the plugin and game files:

NetScape/Firefox plugin: Download
Internet Explorer plugin: Download
Game files: Download

These are no longer updated. Sorry.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Windows XP x64 SP2 usbport.sys driver

After scouring the web to find a hacked usbport.sys file for Windows XP x64 SP2 with upped polling speed, I nearly gave up until I tried to suss out if I could hexedit the driver myself. After finding nothing but SP1 files to download, I decided to compare them with my SP2 files...

Lo and behold I sussed the magic address and bytes:
0001D490 :: 2D 85 D2 75 0D 3C 08 73 09 C6 87 B6 01 00 00 08

So off I went, booting into my 32-bit XP, editing the usbport.sys file for x64, saving, and rebooting back into x64.

All works and faultless with my Microsoft Intellimouse Optical 1.1A. Currently set to 500Hz(2ms) instead of the tacky 125Hz(8ms).

If you can't be arsed to edit the files yourself. I have uploaded them for your convenience. I have included the original file (125Hz), 250Hz, 500Hz and a 1000Hz(untested) files. All except 1000Hz personally tested by me if you care, and work with my mouse above. I just created to 1000Hz whilst I was hexediting for fun. No instructions included, if you can't work it out, you shouldn't be fucking around with it. If you kill your USB equipment with this driver, your loss. I don't care.

Download and enjoy: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 - USB mouse polling drivers (434KB).


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I returneth

Let's get this show back on the road.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Absolutely pointless

Whoever thought of this?

Watch something worthwhile, Psapp - Tricycle, or this Aphex Twin video featuring my favourite track Vordhosbn.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Not so Silent Hill

Well the film did dissapoint me. I was hoping it wouldn't but just like all other films made from games, it sucked. The plot was loose and from the start deviated from the game. The game has Harry Mason's wife dead 4 years previous to the start of the game, and he is persuaded by his daughter (Cheryl) to go to Silent Hill. The film has his wife alive and takes her daughter (strangely called Sharon), to Silent Hill and it the protagonist of the story. Why, oh the fuck why can't they leave the story alone and make a film of the game so accurate. This was so unaccurate it nearly shouldn't have been called Silent Hill. Fuck you shitty film makers, again you fail at making a game derived film. You suck, as much as these films;

Resident Evil 1 & 2
Tomb Raider 1 & 2
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter The Movie
Mario Brothers

All utter dog wank films based off games with a story so changed and rewritten from what made them great games. (Final Fantasy is not included as it is not a film based off a game, they just used the same name). The only game based film that works is Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and you know why? Because they didn't rewrite fuck all, they kept to the original story and made it work. And thus in the process they created the best film ever fucking made.

I have read about Halo and Half-Life being turned into movies. Not sure how true them stories are but I bet they suck if they're made because they won't be faithful to the game's story.

End rant